Trestle Board – November 2024
Bozeman Lodge #18 AF & AM
November was a great month for Bozeman Lodge 18!
On November 7th, Bozeman Lodge 18 had the honor and privilege of raising two Brothers. Brother Griff Hebel and Brother Chris Laukant were both raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. I would like to thank the degree team for helping out with this tremendous effort. Worshipful Al DiPlacidi gave the charge and lecture. I am honored to raise these two Brothers under my tenure. Congratulations Brother Griff and Brother Chris!
November 21st was our second stated meeting. Business was conducted quickly and the Lodge discussed our upcoming December schedule. As a Lodge, we discussed the logistics of our annual Christmas Stroll event. I, as Worshipful Master, introduced a travelling program for our lodge. Masonic Passports were handed out among the Brothers. The purpose of this program is to encourage relationships with existing Brothers throughout the valley. A travelling group was discussed. I look forward to travelling in the upcoming months!
The annual Cat-Griz Chili Competition was held at Bozeman Lodge 18. There was a good turnout for this event given that the game was played in Bozeman this year. I believe there was around 25 attendees as we watched the Cats pulverize the Griz. In a shocking twist, yours truly, won the Chili Competition this year. It is nice knowing that the Chili Trophy will stay another year in Lodge 18's possession.
Looking forward to what December holds for us!
"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go"-- By an unknown author
W.M.: B. Cooper
Trestle Board – October 2024
Bozeman Lodge #18 AF & AM
October was a great month for Lodge 18!
On October 3rd, Lodge #18 conferred our first degree of the 2024-2025 Masonic year! Brother Griff Hebel was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft. The conferring team, led by our Senior Warden, did an excellent job. Worshipful Brother Al gave the stair lecture. The Masonic education for the evening was a catechism, written by Brother John S. Nagy, based on the Trivium and Quadrivium. The catechism delved into some esoteric concepts that the attending members enjoyed. Refreshments, procured by our JW and prepared by the Stewards, was a perfect way to cap off our evening.
Game Night, on October 10th, was a fun event. It was great to see brothers fraternizing in a relaxed environment. Pizza was served and everyone enjoyed watching football. I hope to see more brothers attend this event as we get further along into the Fall season.
On October 17th, the lodge was opened, business conducted, Brother Sam Naylor was appointed Marshall, and the Lodge was closed within 35 minutes. After the meeting, we met in the dining hall for a special presentation on "The Origins of Masonry" by Worshipful Brother Al DiPlacidi. The presentation was thought provoking and encouraged discussion amongst Brothers.
On October 24th, Senior Deacon David Carter hosted Game Night. Melissa, David Carter's wife, made a white chili that was enjoyed by attendees. The football game, Vikings vs Rams, was exciting and a great way to cap off the evening.
On October 26th, The Daughters of the Nile hosted their first wine tasting event. This was a fun event to raise money for Shriner's Children Hospital. It was nice seeing some Lodge 18 Brothers and partners attend this event. I enjoyed sampling wine and eating hors d'oeuvres prepared by Worshipful Brother Gib Curtis. I am looking forward to the next event and encourage all members to attend. It really is a great time!
"Another fall, another turned page."--Wallace Stegner
W.M.: B. Cooper
Trestle Board – September 2024
Bozeman Lodge #18 AF & AM
September was a great month for Masonry. September always has a certain energy to it. Fall is starting to approach, MSU football is kicking off, and Bozeman Lodge 18 begins its annual opening for the upcoming Masonic Year.
Our first meeting, was well attended as we opened a Lodge of Sorrow. As a lodge, we reflected on those that have past, and remembered their importance by rededicating our selves to Masonry. A unanimous vote was taken to pass our 2024-2025 Masonic budget. Officers, that were not able to attend installation, were installed into their respective positions. For Masonic education, a reading of the "Threshing Floor" by Dr. John S. Nagy was read aloud. We ended our evening by enjoying the refreshments procured by our Junior Warden.
On September 14th, a group of brothers and I attended Bannack. Not only does Bannack have a special place in our hearts as Montana Masons, it is revered among Masons all around the world. I enjoyed fraternizing with our brothers from Oklahoma. As some of you are aware, every year Brothers from the Creekmoore Lodge 74, Oklahoma, make the annual journey to celebrate Montana's Masonic history. Hanging out with our Oklahoma Brothers was a highlight for me. I am looking forward to seeing Clay, Ronnie, and the other brothers next year!
Could our second meeting be better than our first? Yes! Our second meeting was a great success. The lodge was quickly opened and the business portion was handled swiftly. For Masonic education it was particularly eventful. First, a reading of our Masonic code that deals with voting was read. This was a great refresher for some of our attending Brothers as we discussed some of the nuances of this important process.
For the main event, Worshipful Brother Al presented a power-point presentation on "The Orders of Architecture." The presentation invoked a lot of questions and thought. Worshipful Hans, Lodge 6, was in attendance and we had a great time. The Junior Warden again pulled out all the stops and supplied mini tacos for dinner! Can you believe it? Mini tacos, yum!
On September 28th, "Diners' Night Out!" kicked off. Worshipful Brother Mark could not have picked a better venue, The Land of Magic. This was a popular event as it provided another opportunity to hang out with our Masonic Brothers and their respective families. The steak dinner was great but the best part was enjoying each other's friendship. Several attendees suggested that "Diners Night Out!" be held there more often. I agree and who doesn't enjoy scenic Logan, Montana?
"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall."---F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
W.M.: B. Cooper
Trestle Board – May 2024 – June 2024
Bozeman Lodge #18 AF & AM
Looking back to the month of May, our first meeting involved our first EA degree for the Masonic year and candidate Griffin Hebel was initiated in due and ancient form. Junior Warden Mike Shontz conferred the degree and this was his first degree to confer ever. Brother Mike did an excellent job and was duly and truly prepared.
Our last meeting in May featured a guest speaker from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Jonathan Ventura who worked as the Office Director from 2006 to 2019. His presentation was well received by the Brethren.
This brings us to June which is the final month of Masonry before we go dark. Our first meeting will be June 6th and we will be raising two brothers to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. Brothers Cody Rodosh and Tony Marcott are set to receive their Master Mason degrees.
Our second meeting in June will be June 20th and this is our step up night. Brother Senior Warden Brian Cooper will take over the controls at Lodge 18, sitting in the East and calling the shots.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Mark Killip WM
954-471-0239 – cell
Trestle Board – April 2024 – May 2024
Bozeman Lodge #18 AF & AM
Greetings Brothers from the East.
A quick review of April tells us that our first stated meeting involved degree work for Brother Cody Rodosh who received his Fellow Craft degree. Our Senior Warden, Brian Cooper conferred the degree doing an excellent job. Brother Gib read the
petition of Griffen Hebel and an investigative committee was formed. We had our election of officers and to no ones surprise Brian Cooper will be our new Worshipful Master, Mike Shontz the Senior Warden and Will Thompson the Junior Warden. Both Gib Curtis and Chuck Gordon will remain as Secretary and Treasure.
Our second stated meeting in April was Past Masters Night and Grand Lodge paid a visit to our Lodge bringing three representatives to include Grand Master David Schantz, Deputy Grand Master Sam Whitehead and Senior Grand Warden Jason Smith. The evening started with a sit down dinner consisting of scallop potatoes with ham, Hawaiian rolls, mixed vegetables and a dessert cake.
Following dinner, we convened to the Lodge room for our usual meeting following the Montana protocol for receiving Grand Lodge officers. The meeting centered on a salute to ten active Past Masters. This was carried out by playing a game called Guess the Past Master in which statistics were read from the year the Past Master was born and the year(s) the Past Master sat in the East. In total, thirteen Past Masters (not counting the three from Grand Lodge) were present at this meeting.
Looking ahead to May, our first meeting will involve EA degree work for candidate GriffenHebel. Junior Warden Mike Shontz will confer the degree and this is his first degree to confer ever. It is a strong tradition in Lodge 18 that the Junior Warden deliver the EA degree, the Senior Warden deliver the Fellow Craft and the Worshipful Master do the Master Mason one.
Our last meeting in May will feature a guest speaker from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Jonathan Ventura who worked as the Office Director from 2006 to 2019. I believe his presentation should tie in with the movie Oppenheimer as a lot of the work on the development of the atomic bomb was conducted in Los Alamos.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Mark Killip WM
954-471-0239 – cell
Trestle Board – Jan 2024 – Feb 2024
Bozeman Lodge #18 AF & AM
Greetings Brothers from the East. We began the new year with our first stated meeting on
Thursday January 4th with a tribute to DeMolay. The DeMolay group was invited in and they
gave a mini-presentation to the Lodge.
Brother Dan Hornacek in return gave a presentation on Masonry to the boys.
Our second stated meeting on January 18th featured the annual Feast of
Saints John dinner. This was done in conjunction with Lodge 6. Senior Warden Brian Cooper
conducted the dinner for us as I was scheduled for surgery that day and could not attend. Past
Master Matt Sonnichson was the MC.
Our first meeting in February will involve degree work as Brothers Clark Rudy and Alex
Visaocozky will be receiving their Fellow Craft degrees.
Our second meeting is Americanism Night. Brother Channing Hartelius from Great Falls will be the
featured guest speaker and he is very good. I saw him speak in Great Falls several years ago at
a York Rite event. He comes in dressed as George Washington and it is impressive. You won’t want
to miss this.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Mark Killip WM
954-471-0239 – cell
Trestle Board – Dec 2023 – Jan 2024
Bozeman Lodge #18 AF & AM
Greetings my Brothers from the East and Happy New Year. We ended the year with a lot of
activity highlighted by the annual Christmas Stroll where Lodges 18 and 6 set up a booth and
dispensed free hot chocolate to the masses. We opened the library upstairs and served drinks
and snacks to the Masons and their families. This proved to be a pretty big hit.
Christmas caroling was organized and we did manage to field a team of Masons who called on
six homes where we sang the Christmas carols. Almost every home we called on had a plate of
home made cookies waiting for us. We ended the night at brother Jay Lawson’s house where a
drink was had by most of the carolers.
Our first stated meeting on Dec. 7th focused on the transformational process required in
Freemasonry from that of ignorant infancy to the enlightenment of old age which requires a
lifetime of study and reflection. “Freemasonry is the enlightenment of the individual and it
presents its moral and ethical principals in order to influence each individual to commence on
a life long search for what human beings have always desired – perfection through self
Our stated meeting on Dec. 21st featured brother Sam Naylor delivering his Fellowcraft
Questions and Answers with perfection. Following that was the White Elephant gift exchange.
Looking ahead to our first stated meeting on Thursday January 4th , the theme will be DeMolay
Night and the DeMolay have been invited in to give a mini-presentation to the Lodge.
Our second stated meeting on January 18th will be the Feast of Saints John dinner. This will be
done in conjunction with Lodge 6.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Mark Killip WM
954-471-0239 – cell
Trestle Board – November - December 2023
Bozeman Lodge #18 AF & AM
Looking back on the month of November, our first meeting featured our very own Brother
Chuck Gordan delivering a presentation called Sacred Space. This was Rusty Trowel Night and a
good effort was put forth to get non-active Masons to come to Lodge however few attended.
November also featured the annual Cat/Griz football game and the Chili cookoff. Participating
Lodges included Big Timber, Livingston, Gallatin 6 and Lodge 18. Lodge 18 retained the trophy
however the winner this year was Brother Clark Rudy who was a last minute entry. Congrats to
Clark for his victory.
Receiving their Fellow Craft degrees in November included Brothers Sam Naylor, Chris Laukant
and Tony Marcott. I have seen a lot of degrees conferred but I must say Brian Cooper did a
great job.
Veterans Appreciation Night was the theme for our second meeting in November and thanks be
to Brother Kekoa Cabanting for lining up Troy Downing as the guest speaker. Brothers Al
Diplacidi and Dan Hornacek gave presentations on Medal of Honor winners who were Masons.
December 2nd was the annual Christmas Stroll and Lodges 18 and 6 set up a booth and
dispensed free hot chocolate to the masses. I was tasked with getting volunteers to participate
and we had a great response. In fact, I started turning brothers away who reached out and
wanted to help but we had the bases covered.
Looking ahead to our first stated meeting on Thursday December 7th , the theme will be the
transformational process of Freemasonry. Our second stated meeting on December 21 will be
a White Elephant gift exchange. This was done in lodge many years ago and according to the
participants was great fun.
Between December 7th and the 21st , we will organize the Christmas caroling. This is when the
Masons car pool and drive to the homes of Mason widows and sing Christmas carols and spread
good cheer.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Mark Killip WM
954-471-0239 – cell
Trestle Board – October - November 2023
Bozeman Lodge #18 AF & AM
Recapping the month of October, our first meeting featured guest speaker Greg Smith from
Humanities Montana. His presentation was titled “A Visit With An 1879 American Fur
Company Trader” and he dressed for the part.
The October 19 th meeting was Friendship Night which was a non-tiled event held in the dining
room. We heard from guest speakers Ashly Ogle and Mike Hope, both business owners in
Bozeman, about the homeless problem plaquing our town. They encouraged the Masons to be
active and let city hall know how you feel about their handling of the problem.
October included the Ghost Tour held at Lodge 18 on October 20 and 21. This is a Masonic
fundraiser with proceeds going to support our neighbor HRDC. It was a success thanks to the
tireless efforts of Doug Campbell and Mark St. John. Many brothers volunteered for this and it
was duly noted. I now believe our building contains spirits after my volunteering.
Looking ahead to our first stated meeting on Thursday November 2 nd we will be holding Rusty
Trowel Night. This is when non-participating Masons are invited to join us in Lodge. Mark St
John has lined up the guest speaker who is Jonathon Ventura former Office Director at Los
Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in Los Alamos, New Mexico between 2012 - 2018.
Jonathon is a renowned public speaker. Also, Brother Chuck Gorden will deliver a mini
presentation entitled “Sacred Space”.
On Thursday, Nov. 9 th , three of our EA Brothers will receive their FC degrees. There will be no
Game Night on this night as we will be busy with the FC degree. The 4 th Thursday of November
is Thanksgiving so there will be no Game Night during this month but we’ll pick back up come
December. The 3 Brothers receiving their degree are Tony Marcott, Sam Naylor and Chris
Laukant. Overseeing this affair will be Brother Brian Cooper who will be in the East.
Thursday, Nov. 16 th will be Veterans Night for our Lodge meeting. Brother Kekoa Cabanting has
procured Troy Downing as our guest speaker as he is a Veteran and knows Kekoa. Troy is
Montana’s Insurance Commissioner. The talk for the evening will center on our Veterans.
Finally, I would like to give a shout out to Brother JD Jacoby for his outstanding work when he
hosted Game Night at the Lodge and for his attention to detail at set up for the Ghost Tour.
The set up he did for Game Night in October had a Halloween theme and it was over the top
fantastic. His set up work for the Ghost Tour made the place look professionally done. Good
job Brother JD. Duly noted.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Mark Killip WM
Trestle Board – September - October 2023
Bozeman Lodge #18 AF & AM
Greetings my brothers from the East. The Masonic year kicked off on September 7 th and 2 new
programs were introduced which I’m planning on carrying throughout my term. The first
program is called Introduce Yourself which is a 2 -5 minute presentation where a Brother gets
up and talks about some of his life experiences. It is very open where he can tell us his life story
or a chapter of his life. He can tell how Masonry has affected his life. He can tell us pretty
much anything about himself. The next speaker on October 5th will be PM Doug Campbell.
The second program is called the Dedication Song where a Brother selects a song to be played
in Lodge for your listening enjoyment. First song selected was by Vince Gill called the Hills of
Caroline which was dedicated to Brother LA Lyon. Next song will be from Brother Jordan
Graffice to be played October 5th .
I was called away on a family emergency and missed our second stated meeting on September
21st . PM Mark St. John filled in as the Worshipful Master. Thanks be to Mark St. John for his
assistance and all the Brothers who offered support. We had our first guest speaker of the year
which was Susan Brooke - FWP Commissioner of Region 3. I know not how it went but
informal reports from the Brethren led me to believe it went off well.
The really big news from September is Brother Sam Naylor was declared very proficient in his
EA proficiency. He delivered in committee to PM’s Al Diplacidi, Chuck Gordan and Jay Lawson.
I believe Sam Naylor to be a solid a human being and Mason who will add great value to our
The other big news is the Shuffle Board project spearheaded by Brother Lester Duchane. A
committee was formed and work will be underway this year on the building of a shuffle board.
Its final resting place will be the upstairs game room. I have heard a lot of great ideas
surrounding this project from multiple sources and I share in this excitement. Can’t wait for the
day when we somehow hoist that beauty up to the game room.
Our first meeting in October will feature our second guest speaker – A one Greg Smith from
Humanities Montana. Mark St. John tapped me into Humanities Montana which is an
organization featuring a multitude of guest speakers covering a wide variety of topics with a
Montana flavor. Greg Smith was selected as the speaker of choice and his presentation is titled
“A Visit With An 1879 American Fur Company Trader”. I believe our speaker will dress the part
so don’t confuse him with our very own Brother Lester Duchane.
The October 19th meeting is Friendship Night and we will be holding this event in the Dining
Room. The whole Lodge will be open to give a candidate the Masonic perspective. Every
Brother will be called upon to bring a friend, neighbor and or family member. Food and drinks
will be served (appetizers / Hors-d’oeuvres) and this is an informal, non-tiled event. Dane
Fletcher will be our guest speaker and his topic will be the homeless problem facing Bozeman.
Dane played linebacker for MSU and signed with the New England Patriots in 2010. Dane was
born and raised in Bozeman and is the current owner of the Pitt Training Facility. No ties for
this event. We want to meet the candidates on the level. Business casual.
Other key events in October include the Ghost Tour which is held at Lodge 18 on October 20
and 21. More details on this are forthcoming. Finally, Big Timber / Doric Lodge # 53 is hosting
their 125 year anniversary which will be held on Saturday Oct. 7 th starting at 11:30 AM. This is
an open house with the public invited and includes a pig roast. Lodge 18 has been formally
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Mark Killip WM
954-471-0239 – cell
Greetings from the East - August & September 2023
Greetings my brothers. I’m hoping this Trestle Board reading finds you well and in good spirits. I don’t know about you but this summer seemed to fly by like a warm summer breeze. As I write my first Trestle Board, we are staring at the start of September with summer in the rear view mirror.
On August 19th we held the Installation of Officers in conjunction with Lodge 6. It was a mad scramble to schedule a practice as we had conflicting events cancelling out for our first two stated practice meetings. The Shriners had a parade which did in the first practice and the Red, Red Rose conflicted with the second scheduled practice. I was not about to interfere with the Red, Red Rose event for fear of a rebellion from some of the brothers who are card carrying members of this wayward band.
We finally got the practice scheduled and the Installation went well with Past Master (WB) Mark St. John leading us as the Installing Worshipful Master. Mark did a great job and most of his readings were taken from Paul Revere. WB Al Diplacidi was the Installing Marshall and if there is anybody on the planet who can perform this role better; I’d like to see it. WB Gib Curtis was the Installing Secretary carefully documenting the event. WB Dave Martinez from Lodge 6 & 18 served as the Installing Chaplain and was the one that organized us bringing order where there was chaos.
Worth noting on the Brothers from 18 being installed was a ‘rise in rank’ for four of them. Young Will Thompson took over the Senior Deacon position, Brother Dan Hornacek is the Jr. Deacon, Tyler Rasmussen the Senior Steward and finally, Kekoa Kabanting the Jr. Steward. I want to thank all 4 of these Brothers for stepping up. The ‘rise in rank’ was attributed to Brother David Carter stepping out of the line up. I met with Brother David and quickly learned that his obligations to DeMolay and his business (which took off) was not going to allow him the length in his cable tow to perform the duties of Sr. Deacon in a
suitable manner. No worries though as the Lodge is stuffed with talent and it was handled.
Looking forward to September our first stated meeting will be Thursday, September 7th at 7:30 PM. I will introduce two new programs that we will attempt to execute every time we meet in Lodge if we have enough time and we will have time on September 7th . My goal for this meeting is to set the tone, direction and theme for the entire Masonic year. September 21st is the second stated meeting and I have scheduled FWP - Commissioner from Region 3 in Bozeman to address the Brethren. Her name is Susan Brooke and the position she holds is made by appointment of the Governor of Montana. To prepare
yourself for this engagement think of questions you want to ask concerning hunting, fishing, hiking, public land access, block management, shooting, boating, off-highway vehicle
usage, wildlife/fisheries management, etc.
WM Killip
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Greetings from the East - June 2023
As I write my last Trestle Board, I believe we can look back on a successful year. My thanks goes to all my officers who have helped to make this year one of our best. Continuing our recovery from the Covid period, we added 8 new Entered Apprentices and 5 new Master Masons to our ranks. More importantly, these new members are quality young men who will hopefully be with our Lodge for years to come. The Lodge was also well represented at Grand Lodge where we again received the Master Builders Award and hopefully we will continue that with a visit to the annual meeting in Bannock later this year.
On June 1st, the Lodge was opened in due and ancient form on the 1st degree by WM Jay. We heard reports from WB Al on the successful distribution of bouquets to our widows and received several letters of thanks from them. WB Mark SJ reported on the successful 1717 Pig Roast where a good time was had by all. We discussed preparations for step up night, which will be presided over by WM-Elect Mark K. and his new slate of officers. The Lodge was closed in due and ancient form by the WM at 9:16, with refreshments served thereafter.
On June 15th, the Lodge was opened in due and ancient form on the 1st degree by WM-Elect Mark K. and his new officers. While I was not present, all reports indicate a very professional performance by our new slate of officers. WM-Elect Mark presented an interesting presentation on Flag Day as Masonic education. A Lodge of Sorrows was closed and thereafter, the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form by the WM-Elect.
Finally we held a special called communication on the 22nd of June for the purpose of initiating our newest Brother, Sam, as an Entered Apprentice. We had a great turn out and my special thanks goes to our SW-Elect, Brian C., who once again performed the ritual of initiation in an exceptional manner. According to reports from his coach, Brother Sam is well on his way to completing his EA proficiency.
As our Lodge goes dark for the summer, I wish all of our Brothers a restful vacation and look forward to our Joint installation of officers on the 19th of August.
S&F, WM Jay
Greetings from the East - May 2023
On May 4th, the Lodge was opened at 7:30 in due and ancient form on the 1st Degree by WM Jay. We heard from WB Al on the final preparations for distributing flower bouquets to our 11 widows and the Lodge approved reimbursement for the cost of the bouquets. WB Mark SJ reported on the upcoming 1717 Pig Roast sponsored by York Rite and Brothers were encouraged to attend. A report was given on our official visit to Big Timber Lodge and plans for a future visit to the Manhattan Lodge.
The Lodge was closed in due and ancient form by the WM at 9:44, with refreshments served thereafter.
The Lodge was opened at 7:30 in due and ancient form on the first Degree by the WM on May 18th, at which time we had the pleasure and honor of a visit by the Grand Master of Montana. After attending dinner with the WM and Wardens, MWM Jonathan D. and RWM Jason S. were formally received in due and ancient form, and the Grand Master invited to the East.
At this time, the Lodge was taken to refreshment and we heard the FC proficiency of Br. JD. The Lodge was then called back to order to hear the EA proficiency from Br. Tony. Both did excellent jobs and were declared proficient by the WM.
The Lodge then heard the fist reading of a petition for initiation of candidate Sam N. WB Al then reported on the distribution of bouquets; many thanks to WB Al, WB Chuck, Br. Troy and the WM for taking on this task -- we received several nice thank you letters from the widows involved. Br Joe SJ gave us an update on DeMolay and WB Chuck a report on the Eastern Star.
The Lodge was again taken to refreshment and Br. Paul v.E. then held an excellent A/V presentation on his visit to a Lodge in the Netherland and some of the history of Freemasonry in that country as Masonic education.
After being called back to order, and the Grand Master then addressed the Brethren with words of wisdom, after which the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form by the WM at 10:05, whereupon refreshments were served.
S&F, WM Jay
Greetings from the East - April 2023
On April 6th, the Lodge was opened in due and ancient form on the 2nd Degree by the WM. We then proceeded to pass our Br JD to the degree of a Fellowcraft, being conferred by our SW Mark K. in an outstanding manner. Many thanks to all of our brothers who helped with this degree.
The petitions for initiation for Misters Cark, Cody, and Alex were read for a second time, with favorable reports from the investigative committees returned for all three. The petition for affiliation/transfer for Br Lester was also read for a second time and since he is know for many years, the WM determined that no investigation was necessary. All four candidates were passed on one ballot by the Lodge.
Election of officers then took place for the next Masonic year with the following results: WM Elect - Br Mark K.; SW Elect - Br Brian C; JW Elect - Br Mike S; Sec - WB Gib; Treas - WB Chuck G; Trustee - Br Nick S..
The WM was able to procure a Masonic checkered rug which he gifted to the Lodge. Many thanks to WB Al, who was able to procure a fine aluminum ritual briefing board, and the Lodge voted to reimburse him for the cost. The Lodge was closed in due and ancient form by the WM, refreshments served thereafter.
The Lodge was opened in due and ancient form on the first Degree by the WM on April 20th. Having previously presented their proficiencies before committee, Br Dan W. and Br Kekoa C. were declared proficient FC and MM, respectively.
We then proceeding to initiate and confer the degree of Entered Apprentice for Cody, Clark and Alex, our JW Brian C. presiding over the degree in an outstanding manner. Again, many thanks to all the Brothers who helped make this degree memorial for our new Brothers.
After a short business meeting in which many Brothers were able to report various Wellness/Successes, the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form by the WM at 10:25. Refreshments were served thereafter in the kitchen, with many of our members taking the opportunity to welcome our new Brothers to the fraternity
S&F, WM Jay
Greetings from the East - March 2023
On March 2nd, the Lodge was opened in due and ancient form on the 1st Degree by the WM. We welcomed WM Hans from Lodge 6 and he was invited to take a seat in the East. We also welcomed Brother Gary H., visiting us from Maiden Lodge 18 in Washington state.
Our secretary presented the annual membership and financial report and we are pleased to report that our Lodge continues to thrive. We extended thanks to Lodge 6 for performing courtesy work in raising our Br. Kekoa to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. We continue to work on procuring a Masonic rug, completion of the officer roll plaques, and a ritual briefing board for the Lodge. Masonic education on the Morgan Affair was presented by WB Al. WM Hans requested that we look at renegotiating the rules for the annual chili cookoff, which was taken under advisement.
Unfortunately our Br. Logan is moving to Kalispell to help care for his ailing mother, but we are happy to report that Lodge 18 brothers were able to shovel out the deck and entry for Br Lester due to the recent massive snowfall. The Lodge was closed at 8:55, with snacks enjoyed by all afterward.
Our second stated meeting was opened in due and ancient form on March 16th on the 1st Degree by the WM. Br. JD, having presented his proficiency in committee, was declared a proficient EA by the WM. Rabbi Chaim then presented Masonic education of the Wisdom of Solomon and a motion was passed to donate $250 to his temple as an honorarium. Petitions for initiation were read for the first time for Misters Nick, Clark, Cody and Alex as well as a petition for affiliation by transfer for Br Lester.
Our officer roll plaques are now updated through 2017 and we are now awaiting a frame to complete this project. Many thanks to our JW and his wife for their assistance and reimbursement for their work was approved by the Lodge. The reading program awards supported by our Lodge at Meadowlark School was held on March 10th, with several of our Brothers in attendance. Many thanks to WB Chuck C. for spearheading this program. WB Mark SJ gave Masonic Education on Lodge Decorum, and the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 9:26 by the WM, refreshment being enjoyed afterward.
S&F, WM Jay
Greetings from the East - February 2023
With this month bringing some of the worst winter weather we have seen in years, the Brothers continue to thrive and enjoy the myriad Masonic events during February. We have been able to interview and get to know a number of new potential candidates during breakfasts, game nights and Rough Ashlar.
On the 2nd of February, the Lodge was opened in due and ancient form on the 1st Degree by WM Jay. Unfortunately our guest speaker, Gallatin County Sheriff Dan Springer, was called away on official duties and was unable to attend -- we hope to reschedule later in the year. We can confirm that a representative from the Montana Highway Patrol is scheduled to address the Lodge in May. A short business meeting was held to discuss progress on our calligraphy project and checkered rug -- on the latter, WB Doug reported difficulties getting accurate updates from the vendor. The Lodge was closed on the 1st degree, and thereafter, the Brothers joined together for refreshment and comradery.
We hosted our annual Superbowl Party on the 12th. A great meal of steaks and all the fixings was prepared by WB Gib and approximately 25 Brothers and their guests watched a great game, with the KC Chiefs winning on a last minute field goal. The following Saturday, a record number of Brothers and guests enjoyed a breakfast of Steak, eggs and hashbrowns cooked by the WM.
The Lodge was opened on the 1st Degree on the 16th of February by the WM, and thereafter, our Junior Warden Brian did an outstanding job of conferring initiation and the Entered Apprentice degrees on our newest Brothers Chris and Tony. A short business meeting was held -- WB Gib has researched a list of past officers, the parchment is being obtained by Br. Will and we should be able to forge ahead with the calligraphy project in March. Progress on our checkered rug is still stymied and we may have to seek another vendor. The Lodge was closed on the 1st Degree, and refreshments were enjoyed by all.
We attended a District Officers meeting on the 18th, hosted by Lodge 6, and later a number of our Brothers were able to assist in conferring the sublime degree of Master Mason on our Brother Kekoa.
March will also be a busy month as we continue interviewing new candidates and are experiencing increasing numbers attending our Game Nights, Rough Ashlar and breakfasts. Looking forward to better weather --
S&F, WM Jay
Greetings from the East - January 2023
January kicked off the new calendar year with our annual celebration of the Feast of Saints John on the 5th of January. This is a tiled Lodge meal and was hosted by WM Jay of Lodge 18 with WM Hans of Lodge 6 also attending. A great meal was cooked by WB Gib with our local DeMolay boys providing service for the event. WB Matt was our Master of Ceremonies and provided light banter, along with the necessary ritual, throughout the meal. Also in attendance were representatives from our local York Rite and Shrine organizations. A good time was had by all, with roughly 30 Brothers in attendance.
On the 19th of January, the Lodge was opened in due and ancient form on the 1st degree by WM Jay. We hosted the local Bozeman Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Casey Bertram, for Education Night. He presented an excellent run down on the local present and future plans and policies for our Bozeman schools and the Brothers showed great interest and had many questions about his presentation. Two new candidates, Chris and Tony, were voted on and approved for initiation as Entered Apprentices. A short business meeting was held with updates on our checkered rug, calligraphy project, and school books program. The Lodge was closed on the 1st degree, and thereafter, the Brothers joined together for refreshment and comradery.
Also during January, we hosted our monthly Dining Out for Brothers and their guests on the 28th, and I am happy to report that we had a record turn out of over 26 attending at the Outback Steakhouse. A great meal and service marked this successful event. Our next Dining Out is planned for the month of March.
February will also be a busy month for the Lodge. We look forward to hosting our local Sherriff, Dan Springer, for Americanism Night on the 2nd of February. We will also be initiating two new Brothers as Entered Apprentices and hosting our annual Super Bowl Party on the 12th of February. Finally, we will be participating at Lodge 6 in a District Officers meeting as well as helping with the ritual when our Brother Kekoa is raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason.
S&F, WM Jay
Greeting from the East - December 2022
In this festive holiday season, let me first wish all of our Brothers a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hannukah. December started off quickly and, on the 1st, the Lodge was opened by the WM in due and ancient form on the 1st degree. An investigative report was returned on our newest applicant, Chris, a vote was taken and he was approved for initiation as an Entered Apprentice. Because of a scheduling conflict with his final’s week at MSU, his initiation will be delayed until January. A short business meeting was conducted; among the highlights, our checkered rug is currently on back order with no firm date for delivery, the Lodge approved the expenditures necessary for the calligraphy work and framed posters to bring the listing of our Lodge officers up to date, a Dining Out was planned for January at the Outback Steakhouse, and it was decided that our Saturday breakfasts and game-nights will be curtailed until the New Year. The lodge was closed on the 1st degree by the WM and Brothers then joined together for refreshment and comradery.
Our second stated meeting on 15 December was opened in due and ancient form on the 1st degree by the WM. The Lodge was placed “at ease” to hear Brother Kekoa return a flawless Fellowcraft proficiency and he was thus declared proficient. Our Junior Warden then took charge of the Craft and conferred an excellent Entered Apprentice degree on our newest member, Brother DJ. Many thanks to all the Brothers who participated in this ritual as our degree work continues to get better and better. A short business meeting included the following: our checkered rug remains on back order, a vendor for the Lodge Officer poster paper was solicited, and plans were made for our annual Christmas caroling on the 22nd. The Lodge was closed by the WM on the 1st degree, followed by refreshments.
Unfortunately, given a weather forecast which predicted windchill temperatures in the -45 to -60 F range for the night of our scheduled Christmas caroling, the WM reluctantly decided to cancel the event for this year.
January will be very eventful for the Lodge. We will again resume our normal Saturday breakfasts and game-nights and will host our annual Feast of Saints John. Later in the month, we will host as a guest speaker, the Bozeman Superintendent of Schools for Education Night. Here’s wishing you all the very best of good fortune and health during the New Year 2023.
S&F, WM Jay
Greeting from the East - November 2022
November again proved to be a busy month. On November 3rd, the Lodge was opened by the WM in due and ancient form on the 2nd degree. We then passed two of our Brothers, Dan W. and Kekoa, to the degree of speculative Fellowcraft. This degree was conferred by our Senior Warden Mark K. and he did a fine job. A special thanks to all of our Brothers who helped out with the ritual. A short business meeting was conducted; among the highlights, the Lodge voted to expend monies for the purchase of a checkered Masonic rug, a report was rendered on the very successful “Dining Out” at the Rib & Chop House in Livingston, and an accounting was given from the “Ghost Tour.”. After expenses, we will donate approximately $1400 to HRDC, the charity recipient of this event. The lodge was closed on the 2nd degree by the WM and Brothers then joined together for refreshment and comradery.
Our second stated meeting on 17 November was opened in due and ancient form on the 1st degree by the WM. A business meeting included the following: the cooks for the Chili cook-of were finalized, preparations for the Christmas Stroll were discussed, and we confirmed a guest speaker from the Montana Highway Patrol for a meeting in May. An investigation committee reported back on DJ, our newest applicant, and the Lodge voted and approved him for initiation as an Entered Apprentice. The degree will be conferred at our second stated meeting in December. The Lodge was closed by the WM on the 1st degree.
On 19 November, our annual Cat-Griz party and Chili cookoff was held in the Lodge’s dining hall (see Gallery). Excellent chilis were presented by both Lodge 6 and 18, but WB Gib once again took the honors, though only by a single vote. The Cats clobbered the Griz, 55-21, much to joy of everyone with the possible exception of that recalcitrant Griz fan, WB Matt.
On a side note, earlier in the month we had our best turn out yet for our Game Night, with around 26 Brothers and their guests in attendance. Thanks again to Will, Kekoa and Mark K. for cooking/hosting these events and keep up the good work.
S&F, WM Jay
Greeting from the East - October 2022
October proved to be a busy month, highlighted by events to celebrate our 150th Anniversary of the founding of Bozeman Masonic Lodge 18 on October 19th, 1872. We received congratulatory videos from both Senator Daines and Senator Testor and we thank them both for their kind words. Both videos are prominently listed in the “Readings” section of our website. We held our Open House on Saturday, October 22nd. Our guest speaker for this event was the Honorable Ryan Zinke, who presented an excellent apolitical discussion on a myriad of contemporary topics. We thank both him and his lovely wife for helping to make this event a success. On October 29th, Lodge brothers helped sponsor a Masonic Temple “Ghost Tour,” a charity event supporting HRDC. The event was well attended and we were able to contribute a considerable amount to help support the HRDC missions in Bozeman. I would specifically like to thank Br Mark K. for all his work on the Open House and brothers Mark SJ, Doug, Al, Nason, Paul, David and a number of their lovely wives for helping to run the Ghost Tour.
We continue to engage distinguished speakers for Masonic Education and can report that Sheriff Dan Springer will again join us to discuss law enforcement topics on February 2nd. Thanks to WB Al for helping to arrange this event.
Our first stated meeting on October 6th saw the Lodge opened in due and ancient form. A number of important issues were discussed and formalized, to include final plans for the Open House, Ghost Tour, and the Chamber of Commerce Blue Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. We continued to investigate the purchase of an inexpensive checkered rug as well as Briefing Boards for ritual work.
Our second stated meeting was opened on October 20th. We were able to declare Br Dan W a proficient Entered Apprentice and have scheduled a 2nd Degree for our first stated meeting in November. Volunteers and plans were finalized for both the Open House and Ghost Tour, and the brothers also voted to approve the expenditure for a checkered rug to adorn the Lodge.
Finally, my special thanks to Brothers Will and Kekoa, who have taken over the cooking duties for Game Nights. We have had excellent turnout for these events and I encourage all, especially our younger brothers and their wives/girlfriends, to continue to avail themselves of this great opportunity for fellowship.
S&F, WM Jay
Greetings from the East - September 2022
As we ramp up our Masonic activities for the new year, we are working to engage the Craft with notable speakers, a new list of committee chairs and members to help decentralize some of the important work we do in the community, and extensive planning for the celebrations to commemorate our 150th Year Jubilee. On October 19th, 1872, Bozeman Lodge 18 first met as a Masonic Lodge chartered by the Grand Lodge of Montana. We owe it to those Brothers, long departed, to carry on that proud tradition.
Our first stated meeting on September 1st saw the Lodge opened in due and ancient form. A number of important issues were discussed and formalized. We installed WB Chuck as our treasurer and Br David as our Junior Deacon. Br Mark K reported on his efforts to get notable guests for our Open House on October 22nd as well as our new membership in the Bozeman Chamber of Commerce. WB Mark S.J. informed us on planning for the Ghost Tour charity event on October 29th on behalf of the HRDC. Br Mike directed us to an option to purchase an inexpensive checkered rug to help adorn the Lodge. We then went to recess to hear Br Dan present our new “Introduction to Lodge 18” audio/visual presentation, which was universally approved and has now been added to our Readings section of the website. Many thanks to all these Brothers for their fine work.
Our second stated meeting was opened on the 3rd Degree on September 15th, and was devoted to raising Br Joe S.J. to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. Br Joe is currently serving as State Master Councilor for DeMolay, and once his term ends, he envisions becoming even more involved in Lodge activities. Great degree work was done by all participants, and my thanks to all who helped make this a memorable experience. We also had an “informal” visit from the state Grand Worshipful Master and we thank him for helping to make this an even more momentous occasion for our newly raised Brother.
Finally, my special thanks to WB Al who is coordinating guest speakers for our Americanism and Education nights, and I am pleased to report that the Superintendent of Schools will again be addressing us in January.
S&F, WM Jay
Greetings From the East -- Summer 2022
The following is a recap of some of the business that was done over the summer, to include the assignment of Lodge Committees, notes from a meeting of the 150th Celebration Committee and a brief word from the new Worshipful Master.
LODGE COMMITTEES, Masonic Year 2022-2023
The appointment of a number of lodge members to committees gives members an active part in lodge affairs and naturally increases their interest in the lodge. The names of committee members will be published at least twice a year in the lodge trestle-board. The following is a list of committees for Masonic Year 2022-2023 and is effective as of August 21, 2022. Committee chairs are denoted by an *, and if only a chairman is listed, he is encouraged to seek out other lodge members who may want to serve:
Audit, Budget and Finance Committee- To examine and verify the financial accounts and records of the lodge and to examine and verify the monthly bills. To provide projections of income and expenses to maintain lodge programs. To recommend an annual budget for approval and report quarterly on its status.
Candidates Coaching Committee- to provide each candidate with a proficient instructor who is qualified in Masonic customs, usages, laws, symbolism and philosophy, together with the proficiencies.
Charity Committee- To recommend charitable outreach, and when necessary, to relieve the distress of a worthy Brother or his family.
Holy Saints John Day Committee- To plan and execute a tiled table lodge feast.
Americanism, Public Schools and Program Committee - To help plan and execute two events per year, celebrating Americanism and Public-School observances. To recommend other interesting speakers and programs.
Dining Out Committee – To plan for one dining event per month For Masons and their wives/significant others. To create and maintain a roster of distaff ladies associated with Masons.
Funeral Committee- To conduct the Masonic funeral service.
Community Outreach and Sojourners Committee – To recommend methods of community outreach with a focus on attracting worthy and well qualified candidates for membership. To locate sojourners and develop in them a desire to participate in lodge activities.
Trestle board/ Website Committee- To help obtain new content for and assist the Worshipful Master in publishing the Lodge website and trestle-board.
Youth Group Committee- To plan and execute programs promoting Masonic Youth groups.
Masonic Education and Lodge History Committee- To provide Masonic education programs to develop a greater degree of understanding and dedication to our Masonic principles and purposes. To maintain a history of the lodge, including activities which are of significance and historical importance.
Widows, Visitation and Sunshine Committee- To maintain contact with the Widows of the lodge and to plan and execute an annual Widows program. To offer encouragement to ill and shut-in Brothers and their widows by way of personal contact.
Public information and 150 Year Anniversary Committee- To help the Worshipful Master develop newspaper, radio and television publicity about the lodge with a focus on events celebrating the Lodge’s 150-year anniversary.
Lodge Equipment Committee: Research and propose inexpensive options to provide a checkered area rug and a briefing board for Lodge ritual use.
Audit, Budget and Finance Committee: *WB Al , Br Mark K, Br Brian
Candidates Coaching Committee: *WM Jay, Br Mark K, Br Will, Br Paul V E
Charity Committee: *WB Chuck C
Holy Saints John Day Committee: *WB Mark S J, WB Gilbert C
Americanism, Public Schools and Program Committee: *Br Mark K
Dining Out Committee: *WB Mark S J
Funeral Committee: *WB Al
Community Outreach and Sojourners Committee: *Br Brian
Trestle-board/ Website Committee: *Br Dan H, WB Doug
Youth Group Committee: *Br David C
Masonic Education and Lodge History Committee: *WM Jay, Br Mark K, Br Brian, WB Al
Widows, Visitation and Sunshine Committee: *WB Matt, Brother Colin
Public Information and 150 Year Anniversary Committee: *Br Mark K,, *WM Jay, Br Will, WB Mark S J, WB Chuck G,, Br Brian, Br Dan H, WB Gib C, WB Al, WB Doug
Lodge Equipment Committee: *Br Mike S
After Action Report, 150th Committee Meeting, 8/27/2022
The committee met at 7:45 AM in the Lodge Library. Present were WM Jay, WB Al, WB Chuck, Br Mark K, Br Dan, WB Mark S J, and Br Troy.
The following were takeaways from the meeting:
Br Troy presented the PIO package we will use to announce and advertise the 150th. It was well received and will be updated with current data regarding place, time, and events. We will begin to advertise the Ghost Tour by the first of October and all other 150th related events approximately a week before they occur. The PIO envisions releases to all local media -- newspaper, radio, television and online sources.
Br Killip presented the initial results of his efforts to get dignitaries to attend (or be represented) to help celebrate our Open House (Oct 22nd, 10AM - 6PM). A lively discussion ensued, and it was decided that we need to focus our efforts on inviting the Mayor of Bozeman and the Governor. Invitations will also be sent out to members of the Chamber of Commerce. Once we have a list of attendees, we also need to ensure that comments are limited to those congratulatory and apolitical in nature.
Brother Dan then presented for review by the committee his final edit of the Masonic Lodge 18 Introductory video. This will be played on the big screen during the Open House for all interested parties to view. The video was approved by the committee and will be viewed by the entire Lodge at the first stated meeting in September.
WB St. John gave us an update for the planning of the Ghost Tour (Oct 29th, 5:45 til Midnight). Since alcohol will be served at this event, "Bozeman Event Space will host with volunteers from local Masons and their families as guides." Initially we have identified HRDC as the recipient of this charity event and while consensus was not reached, I think all agreed that the donation should go to an organization with local community impact.
The committee adjourned at 9:55 AM and each attendee was given a copy of the PIO package for further review and comment.
Comments from the Worshipful Master
My apologies for the length of this Trestle Board, but as we approach the planning needed to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Bozeman Masonic Lodge 18, much has to be done with but a short time to do it. I look forward to our first stated meeting on Thursday, September 1st, where we will install our remaining officers and hopefully discuss these matters in harmony. My thanks to all who made our installation a success and especially to the Lodge 18 members on the installation team -- WB Chuck G, WB Al and WB Gilbert C. My special thanks to all who attended the reception afterward and especially to those who chipped in to help or brought goodies to eat. Rumor has it that we had approx. 46 in attendance, which hopefully has set a precedence for even better things to come.
S&F, Br Jay
Greetings From the East -- June 2022
Brethren, as I write my final Trestle Board, I would like to thank all of you for your support and commitment to our Lodge and Gentle Craft during the Masonic year. The year was a full one and saw the Lodge grow in membership and ritualistic proficiency. The officers we elected for the ensuing Masonic year are committed, capable and will serve you well indeed.
May was the occasion of the most satisfying function of my Masonic year, when I had the pleasure of addressing the parents and students of Meadowlark School to present gift certificates for books to students in grades K through five. I was accompanied by Brs. Chuck G., Tyler, Mark, and Chuck, our Secretary’s father. Br. Mark, a former teacher was a huge hit with the students. I wish all of you could have been present.
At our first stated communication in May, an amendment was read to change our by laws to hold Lodge officer installation on a standardized date, the third Saturday of every August, the time and location to be determined by the Master elect. We will vote on this amendment at the first stated communication on 2 June. Please be there to vote, as any issue of this kind should be considered by as many Lodge members possible.
Regrettably, our planned fraternal visit to Virginia City on 12 May was cancelled due to concerns of exposure to flu but despite that, we were able to raise two Master Masons that evening, Brothers Coleman and Paul. Sincere thanks to all participants for their flexibility and help in this endeavor. At our second stated communication on 19 May, we balloted on a petition to initiate an Entered Apprentice and will perform this degree work on 2 June. The evening closed with my report on the state of the Lodge as determined by the requirements of the Masonic Builders award. A thriving Lodge has a score of 100 or more; we measured above 147. The evening closed with Br. Doug entertaining the Lodge with a demonstration of electronic unicycles which operate on a principal similar to Segway vehicles. Several brothers took up his offer to try their balance skills and I’m happy to report no casualties ensued. It was a good time.
We also had the pleasure of showing the widows of former Brethren they are well remembered by delivering ten floral arrangements to them during May. Special thanks to Brother Chuck and Jay for their assistance, as well as my wife who did some ad hoc detective work in locating one of these ladies at her new address. The annual Pig Roast was a huge success with about 75 guests in attendance. The De Molay did their usual fine job in helping make the event a success. Brothers Mark, Gib and our Patron Saint were indefatigable in their efforts. Br. Matt, a superb speaker and MC made the evening memorable. Special thanks to Br. Colin who supplied libations and Br. Will, who once again, demonstrated his brewing skills; the evening was truly memorable.
At our final meeting, 16 June, we will have our last guest speaker of the year, Colonel Thomas Luhrsen of the Montana National Guard. You are invited to attend what will be an interesting talk on the Montana Guard history and mission. The Grand Lodge will host its annual communication 23-25 June in Lewiston, MT. Registration forms are available online through our Secretary. It should be a fun event.
Finally, Br. Jay, our Master elect, has scheduled the installation of officers on the third Saturday of August, (20 August) at 1:00 PM at the Tracy Street Temple. A reception will follow at 3:00 PM at his residence.
S&F, Br. Al
Greetings from The East -- May 2022
Brethren, April was a busy month for us. At our first stated communication we held our election for Lodge officers for the ensuing Masonic year. For those brethren who could not be present, I’m pleased to announce the following results: WM Elect, Jay L; SW, Mark K; JW, Brian C; Treasurer, Chuck G and Secretary, Gib C. The Lodge is indeed in capable hands.
The second stated communication saw an excellent FC proficiency returned by Br. Paul. Congratulations to him and thanks again to Br. Jay for his dedication as an instructor. Br. Jay is one of several instructors whose devotion enables our Lodge to grow. My sincere thanks to all of you who mentor our newer brothers. A proposal was made to change our by laws to a fixed date for the installation of Lodge officers and a committee to bring said proposal to a vote was formed. The committee is comprised of me, and Brothers Jay, Matt, Gib and Doug. We will vote on this issue before going dark in June. I respectfully ask all Master Masons to review the proposal and vote on this administrative issue with the good of the Lodge in mind.
Looking ahead to May, the widow’s luncheon will be held on 21 May at the Country Corner Café, the annual 1717 Pig Roast on Saturday, 14 May and a fraternal visit to Virginia City Lodge 1 is scheduled on Thursday, 12 May. We will be raising two Master Masons then and further details will follow in a separate email providing the exact time and mode of departure and travel plans. In closing, I request that you all keep dear Br. Jack in your prayers. He is recovering quite well and in excellent spirits and humor, as always.
S&F, Br. Al
Greetings from the East -- April 2022
Brethren, March came in like a lamb, meteorologically speaking, and went out like a lion from a Masonic perspective. At our first stated communication, we hosted Most Worshipful Brother Bill Murphy, Grand Master. We were also privileged to have the following distinguished Grand Lodge visitors in attendance, Brothers Jason Smith, Mark Basset, David Schantz, and Sam Whitehead.
The meeting was also notable for the program presented by a guest speaker, Mr. Casey Bertram, the Superintendent of Bozeman Public Schools, as part of our continuing series of guest speakers. This program was part of Public Education Night. Mr. Bertram was well received by some twenty-seven Masons in attendance from our Lodge and Gallatin Lodge 6. He gave an informative talk regarding the current educational issues in Bozeman Public schools, such as the impact of the Wuhan virus, foreign language students, and housing costs in Gallatin County as it affects recruiting qualified personnel, as well as the solutions the school system is seeking to resolve these issues. Mr. Bertram fielded a variety of questions from Lodge members and appeared as happy to address us as we were to hear his perspective on these important educational matters.
Following this program, Br. Paul returned his EA proficiency with the assistance of his coach, our SW, Br. Jay. Br. Paul’s performance was flawless, and Br. Jay once again demonstrated his value to our lodge as a coach and mentor.
MW Br. Murphy then made his remarks. He tells a fine Irish story. Both he and the attending Grand Lodge members offered kind words regarding the fellowship and level of Masonic commitment they observed during their visit. I would like to extend my most sincere thanks to all the brethren in attendance for making the Grand Master’s visit a success, especially Brothers Brian, Mike, David, Colin, Matt, and our own Patron Saint for their continuing and tireless efforts on behalf of our Lodge.
At our second stated communication in March, held on St. Patrick‘s day, Br. Paul was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft. Br. Joseph returned his FC proficiency at this meeting as part of the degree work and turned in a superlative performance. Congratulations on a job well done Br. Joe and sincere thanks to his coach and father for this effort and as well as his contributions to our Lodge and to his many years of service to the DeMolay. A program on Ireland’s St. Patrick was well received by the brethren in attendance.
Prior to our second stated communication in March, I met with Br. Gib to complete the Builders Award form for this Masonic year. Br. Gib will be submitting it shortly and I was pleased to learn how this form would be useful as a reporting metric for our efforts during the year. It encompasses all Masonic activities a lodge performs during the year from degree work, membership and retention efforts, community outreach, and specific and unique lodge activities. I will use it as the basis of a report to the Craft at our final meeting in June to inform you in detail of our Lodge‘s present state and as a report of my year as Master. I believe this will be a useful means of measuring our performance and would respectfully recommend this practice each June by all future masters. As always, Br. Gib stands out as an excellent Lodge resource and tireless aid to its Masters.
An additional item was also raised before the Lodge, the feasibility of forming a Lodge of Education, pursuant to Section 20020 of the Montana Code. I would like all the brethren to give this serious thought, both the pros and cons of such an endeavor, and prepare for a discussion at the second meeting in April. The thoughts and opinions of every brother are useful and contribute to our Masonic mission.
April will also be significant since we will elect our officers for the ensuing Masonic year. The second meeting will be a discussion regarding our by-laws as they relate to our annual installation of Lodge Officers. Please mark these important meetings on your calendars to ensure the best and most inclusive outcome for our Lodge.
In May we plan to raise two Master Masons in historic Virginia City Lodge, host a luncheon for our widows and host the annual 1717 Pig Roast, a York Rite event. I look forward to seeing you at these important and worthwhile Masonic events.
S&F, Br. Al
Greetings From the East -- March 2022
Brethren, February was a particularly memorable month for Bozeman Lodge. At our first stated meeting Br. Coleman gave his EA proficiency in open Lodge and passed with flying colors. The questions were asked by Br. Tyler, who demonstrated notable grace under fire as he was asked to fill in for Br. Colin at the last minute and did not let us down. The Lodge went to Refreshment and we heard from the Sheriff of Gallatin County, Dan Springer, as part of America night. Sheriff Springer proved to be an excellent speaker. He was more than entertaining, providing valuable insight into the current state of policing and social conditions in our community from his unique perspective. I’m also pleased to inform you that several technical issues regarding our new Lodge website have been resolved thanks to the efforts of Br. Jay and Br. Doug. My sincere thanks to both these men; we are fortunate to have such dedicated Masons in our Lodge.
At our second stated communication, we were provided an excellent discourse on King Solomon’s legacy by Br. David. This was followed by a historical overview of King Solomon’s biblical genealogy which led to the building of the Temple by Rabbi Chaim Bruk of the Chabad Lubavitch Congregation of Montana. An excellent speaker, his presentation was well received and generated many questions from the brothers in attendance. My sincere thanks to Rabbi Chaim, a father of five and head of a religious congregation whose obligations make his time to our Lodge a generous gift indeed, as well as to Br. Seth, who helped arrange his visit. Next, a tip of the Master’s fedora to Br. Tyler who stepped in as Junior Deacon due to Br. Mike’s business travel. Finally, Br. Josh, Master of Gallatin No. 6, has extended an invitation to us to attend a mock trial on Wednesday, 23 February. The defendant, Br. Bryan will be represented by our own Br. Matt. I offer no odds on Br. Bryan leaving Lodge 6 as a free man.
March will be another busy Masonic month. At our first stated communication on 3 March, we will have the honor of the Grand Master’s visit. That same evening, we are privileged to host the Superintendent of Bozeman City Public Schools, Casey Bertram, for Education night, as part of our continued program of community speakers. Our second stated communication on 17 March will most likely be devoted to degree work, passing Br. Paul to the Fellowcraft degree.
Looking ahead to April, we will have the election of Lodge Officers, final planning for the annual widows’ luncheon, and a discussion and vote regarding formalizing the annual officer installation process. As we move into May we will have the 1717 Annual Pig Roast sponsored by our York Rite Chapters, Saturday, 14 May at the Tracy Street Temple. We will be making a fraternal visit to Virginia City No. 1 Lodge and are in the process of seeking a dispensation to take our charter there with the intention of raising two Master Masons either on 12 May or 9 June. Stay tuned for further developments.
S&F, Br. Al.
Greetings From the East -- February 2022
Brethren, as we approach the halfway point in our Masonic year, I’m pleased to report we had an outstanding turnout for our obligatory Feast of St. John. Approximately thirty brethren turned out for the event, and the evening was a rousing success. The event was hosted in our Lodge and well attended by brothers from Gallatin 6. The Master of Ceremonies was our own Br. Matt whose sense of humor and drama made the evening truly memorable. The meal was prepared by our Secretary, Br. Gib, and he demonstrated his usual culinary flair. The DeMolay assisted with cleanup and raised almost $300 thanks to the contribution of Brs. Colin and Will, who brewed and donated the proceeds from the keg of ale they provided. Regrettably, the Grand Master could not attend due to inclement weather and road conditions but despite this disappointment, the evening went splendidly. At our second stated meeting, Br. Jay gave the Lodge a demonstration of a new website developed at no cost to the Lodge by his son at my request. A vote of the Lodge was held on this matter and the website was approved unanimously. This website will aid in our need to communicate easily and to enhance our profile in our community as well as to provide simple links to Masonic programs and education. I invite all of you to visit the site: As we move forward with our website, issues and growing pains may arise that will need to be addressed, as with any new website. I ask all of you to bring these to my attention in Lodge so we may discuss them and resolve them satisfactorily. A motion by Br. Doug to review and increase the salary of the Secretary was brought to the floor and approved unanimously, a well-deserved measure. On a closing note, Br. Tyler stepped up to meet the Lodge’s need for a Senior Deacon and performed flawlessly. Sincere thanks to all of you for making our Lodge a retreat of friendship and virtue.
February should be an exciting Masonic month. At our first stated communication on 3 February, our Lodge will host Gallatin County Sheriff Dan Springer, as part of America Night. At our second stated, 17 February, we will hear a program by Br. David pertaining to the legacy of King Solomon and Masonic values.
March will also be a very busy Masonic month. At our first stated communication, 3 March, we will host an Official Visit by our Grand Master and his entourage. This will coincide with a special program by the Bozeman School Superintendent who will address the Lodge for Education Night. Br. Jason, the GL representative for our area, advised the GM looks forward to hearing this program. Our second stated communication will be held on 17 March, St. Patrick’s Day and we will have a program on the Patron Saint of Ireland in his honor.
S&F, Br. Al.
Greetings from the East -- January 2022
Brethren, as 2021 draws to a close, I’d like to give you a brief report of Lodge activities to date. At present, we have initiated two Entered Apprentices, passed one Fellow Craft, and raised two Master Masons, an impressive amount of work concluded in four months or eight stated communications. We’ve not yet had to perform degree work on a Saturday and I hope we can continue to avoid doing so. We have also obtained jewels for our Lodge officers, voted to purchase new officer aprons, gave away cocoa at the Christmas Stroll to bring in almost $700 in donations for the Shriner's hospital, voted to donate money to purchase books for Bozeman schoolchildren, resumed our tradition of Christmas Caroling and provided some first-rate Masonic education to the brethren, due to the excellent efforts of Br. L.A., Br. Jay, Most Wor. Jack and Br. Mark K.
January will see the Lodge hold its annual Feast of St. John on Thursday, the 6th, our first stated communication. The Grand Master will be in attendance, wine will be provided by Wor. Br. David M., and a keg of beer, courtesy of Br. Colin’s Last Best Place Brewery will be provided, crafted by Br. Will. I know it will be a memorable evening, in no small part due to W. Br. Matt serving as the Master of Ceremonies. Festivities start at 6:00 PM. It will be a night to remember. Our second stated communication will be held on Thursday, 20 January and at present, no degree work is scheduled so we can look
forward to a program.
February looks to be a worthwhile Masonic month. At our first meeting on Thursday, 3 February, we will host America Night, and we will have the pleasure of a guest speaker, Gallatin Valley Sheriff Dan Springer. It promises to be an interesting evening and I look forward to our Lodge hosting him. Finally, I wish all of you and your families a wonderful Christmas and a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year.
S&F, Br. Al.
Greetings from the East - December 2021
Brethren, November was a very busy time for our Lodge. At our first stated communication, Br. Dan W. was initiated as our youngest entered apprentice. On November 10th the brethren of Bozeman Lodge performed a graveside Masonic Service for Br. Bradley, a member of our Lodge and Air Force veteran. At our second stated communication, Br. Dan returned his Master Mason catechism and Br. Tyler returned his Fellow Craft catechism. Both brothers did an excellent job and I would like to express my thanks to their respective coaches. The second reading of Mr. Paul V E’s petition was read again and balloted on; he will be initiated at our second communication in December. Additionally, our Lodge was honored by a visiting brother from California, Br. Troy. The Thanksgiving Proclamation of Br. George Washington was read in Lodge in honor of the upcoming Holiday and Masonic Education was provided by MWBr. Jack. The following day, Masonic Funeral Services were conducted for my father-in-law, Br. Michaelsen, a 61 year Master Mason and Navy veteran of WWII. My sincerest thanks for the support of those brethren who assisted me in paying the final tribute of affection.
December will be equally busy for us all both Masonically and spiritually. I wish all of you the joy and comfort of the season. At our first stated communication on 2 December, Br. Tyler will be raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Saturday, 4 December, will see the return of the annual Christmas stroll, this year headed by Br. Mike. Additional details will be announced in Lodge at our first meeting. On Tuesday, 7 December, we will travel to Big Timber Lodge for a fraternal visit, dinner, and a historical program by our Senior Warden, Br. Jay on Montana’s vigilantes. This year we will hold a second stated meeting to initiate an Entered Apprentice, Mr. Van Earp. Our Christmas caroling will be conducted the following evening on 17 December. Further details will be provided at our second meeting (16 December); after caroling, we will repair to Br. Jay's for a bit of Christmas cheer. The annual chili cook-off was resumed in November and Br. Gib took honors for the seventh time. However, the game brought little joy to Mudville, save for those few heretics who know not what they do and rooted for the Grizzlies! Finally, Br. Dan has generously volunteered to work on our website with a brother Mason in Virginia who set up the website for my mother Lodge. We’ll keep you posted on our progress; the issue of good and simple communication cannot be stressed enough.
Looking ahead, our first meeting in January promises to be an excellent opportunity for fellowship as we will host the Grand Master at our annual feast of St. John on 6 January. Additional details will be forthcoming but Br. Gib will prepare this meal and will likely be requesting the assistance of the brethren, so please be ready to help out. Many hands make light work. Our second stated communication will be held on 20 January and as yet, there are no specific degrees or programs. As always, any brother desiring to provide Masonic education is warmly encouraged to do so. Hard as it is to believe, when January arrives, it will mark the completion of half of the Masonic year.
S&F, Br. Al.
Greetings From the East - November 2021
Brethren, it is hard to believe that the holiday season will be upon us so quickly and that we’ve already completed a decent portion of our Masonic year. October saw an excellent program on ciphers presented by Br. L.A., who has now returned to North Carolina and will hopefully rejoin us early next year. His presentation was both interesting and historically significant. Fine food for thought, especially for those who have the opportunity to visit our nation’s capital. At our second stated communication, we had the pleasure of passing Br. Tyler to the degree of Fellow Craft and look forward to raising him next spring. Additionally, we voted on a petition to initiate a new member.
November will see the initiation of Mr. Daniel W. at our first stated communication on the 4th. I will open and close the Lodge and our JuniorWarden, Br. Mark K. will confer the degree and recite the apron lecture, a task he has performed beautifully during previous degrees. Any brothers desirous of learning one of the degree charges should make their intent known so we can deepen our bench. A special tip of the master’s fedora to Brothers Mark S.J. and David C. for their tireless work with our DeMolay youth group as well as the excellent examples they always set for these young men. The second stated communication will feature Br. Brother Dan returning his Master Mason catechism as well as a program on Masonry and the Thanksgiving Holiday presented by your Worshipful Master. This is your chance to save yourselves by scheduling a program of your own well in advance. All brothers are heartily encouraged to present a program of their own. Please let me know in advance. I would also like to see the Lodge vote on my proposal to purchase and install a Square and Compass for the stairway area. The cost is in the neighborhood of $1,000.
December will see our first stated communication on the 5th of the month. We will be doing our usual Christmas caroling on the 18th, our second stated meeting. However, if we need to do degree work, I think that is important and recommend we meet to carol on another night. I don’t want degree work to pile up for my successor and adding to our membership is an important and crucial objective. Finally, the Grand Master will visit Livingston Lodge on 7 December and I think we should plan a fraternal
visit; please attend if within the length of your cable tow. I look forward to seeing you all in Lodge.
S&F, Br. Al.